Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thanks for a great Daisy season!

We hope your girls had as much fun as ours did with the
projects and the crafts. The girls were all lovely to work
with, so thank you for letting them participate.

As you know, today is our last meeting of the school year.
If there is interest, we may do a get together for the girls
over the summer just to keep them in touch and have some
fun. More details on that also after school ends, but it
will be very casual and just for fun.

We will resume again in late September, the exact days and
locations are still TBD. We'll email everyone over the
summer. Our troop will remain as Daisy's until December and
then we'll graduate the whole troop up to Brownie's in
January. To get us started for the Fall, we will keep
things simple with a Halloween party, Christmas fun, and
maybe singing carols for a local Seniors group (or something
like that). If you have ideas for Fall activities, let us

Thanks again for a great Daisy season, and we hope to see
you all in September!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5/12 Meeting Summary

Our May 12th meeting was jam packed! First, the girls made
cards for soldiers over seas. Then, they each decorated
paper links and together, built a friendship chain out of
their links.

We also prepared for our end of year ceremony and party!
The girls made invitations for their family and friends,
plus they learned a new song (below). Each girl is also
assigned a part in our petal ceremony, so be sure to
practice their part and the song between now and the end of
year ceremony on Weds 5/26.

End of Year Ceremony and Party
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
5:30PM to 7:00PM
Merrill Park, Grove 3A

"We are Little Daisies" Song
Sung to the tune of "I'm a little Teapot"

We are little Daisies, dressed in blue
I am a Girl Scout, you are too
When we go to meetings, we sing and shout
We love being Daisy Scouts!

You can download the weekly handout, ceremony song, and
ceremony assignments on the right side.