Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February was great!
did a fantastic job with the Cookie Sale, and I think they
all had alot of fun! The girls also really enjoyed making
their self-puppets, Doodle 4 Google, and starting to get
their pledges for "Pull the Plug".
Monday, February 7, 2011
February Dates to Remember
"self" puppets. Very cute!
Also - I wanted to send out a reminder with a few important
dates for the next two weeks. I will update the larger
troop calendar once I have everything final for March and
April, but for now, please review the following dates for
the next two weeks:
Saturday, February 12th
No meeting but last opportunity to submit cookie orders
Due to Dawn via devinsmom98@verizon.net
Saturday, February 19th
1:00 to 3:00PM
Regular meeting and Cookie Order Pick-Up Day. Bring Cash.
Sunday, February 20th
Cookie Booth #2 at Walgreens (optional)
If you want to participate, here are the timeslots:
4PM – Jessica, Maddie, Adelina, Devin
5PM – Isabelle, Zahira, Bea, Amanda
6PM – Andrea, Samantha, Annaliese
But this is optional, so if you do not want to participate
just reply back and let me know so we can move another girl
into your slot.
We have some great activities scheduled for March and
April - a ZUMBA class, a tour and activity at Raritan Bay
hospital, and a visit from the Middlesex County Pipes and
Drums. Fun, fun, fun!