Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nature Walk and Scavenger Hunt

Thanks to Keri and Andrea for a great Nature Walk and
scavenger hunt today. Sounds fantastic!

Just a reminder that our first special activity is coming up
on Tuesday, November 2nd from 2:45 - 4:00 PM. We will be
going to PETCO on Route 1 where the girls will learn about
fish, reptiles, birds, and small animals. There is no cost
for this activity.

I realize this is during the day and many parents work, but
the girls have off from school for Teacher's convention (or
whatever it is called this year!).

I need to give PETCO a headcount, so if you will be
attending please reply back to me and let me know. Each
girl can bring a sibling or friend. Once I have a
headcount, I'll confirm our reservation with PETCO.

Thanks and see everyone on Tuesday, November 2nd.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Girl Scouts! During our first meeting, we
introduced the new girls and did lots of fun activities as a
group. We taught the new girls the Girl Scout promise and
did a craft to help us always remember the promise. The
girls also got to decorate our new troop t-shirts that we
will wear at our meetings and activities until January! Fun