Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nature Walk and Scavenger Hunt

Thanks to Keri and Andrea for a great Nature Walk and
scavenger hunt today. Sounds fantastic!

Just a reminder that our first special activity is coming up
on Tuesday, November 2nd from 2:45 - 4:00 PM. We will be
going to PETCO on Route 1 where the girls will learn about
fish, reptiles, birds, and small animals. There is no cost
for this activity.

I realize this is during the day and many parents work, but
the girls have off from school for Teacher's convention (or
whatever it is called this year!).

I need to give PETCO a headcount, so if you will be
attending please reply back to me and let me know. Each
girl can bring a sibling or friend. Once I have a
headcount, I'll confirm our reservation with PETCO.

Thanks and see everyone on Tuesday, November 2nd.