Friday, January 31, 2014

Girl Scout Juniors - Agent of change badge set

Hi there. Just a reminder that the new "Agent of change" badge set gets sewn on the front of vest. Middle left side. See attached. Thanks!

Girl Scouts - father daughter dance tricky tray

Hi everyone. I just want to clarify one point about the
father daughter dance tricky tray. We found out last week
that technically tricky trays are not allowed bc they are
considered gambling. In the past year's there have always
been father daughter dance tricky tray, but now that we know
about the rule we don't want to deliberately break the

A few people are working with the girl scout higher-ups to
see if there is a way around this rule. In the mean time,
any donations you gave me or have gotten from businesses
will be used as door prizes at the father daughter dance.
If we are able to work it out and have the father daughter
dance tricky tray - great. But if not everything will be
door prizes.

Thank you all for the donations so far!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Girl Scouts - Save the Date for Broadway

Hi everyone. Please save the date for 5/31/2014 at 2:00 PM.
We are currently making plans to take the girls to see a
Broadway play. More details will be sent soon, but save the

PS - for those mom's who were at the meeting this weekend
and saw the April tentative dates, the theater did not have
those available. 5/31/2014 at 2:00 PM is the correct date
to save.

Thank you!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Girl Scouts - Summer Camp Scholarship Contest

Troop - if anyone is interested, attached is the summer camp
contest information. All submissions (one page only) are
due to me by February 18th and I will send them in as a
troop. Instructions attached. Thank you!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Girl scouts - this Sunday 3-5pm

Hi everyone. Just a reminder we have our January meeting this Sunday 3-5pm at Microsoft. The older girls will be spending the entire time on their project work and the younger ones will be doing girl scout basics with crafts and games. Looking forward to it!

If you cannot attend please let me know. I know the following will not be attending:  Adelina, Maddie, ruby, Kate, Gianna G, Christina.

Thank you!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Girl Scouts - upcoming dates and Father Daughter dance details

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is looking forward to Sweet and Sassy!
Today we will go over the upcoming schedule plus the details
on the Globetrotter event and the Father Daughter Dance.
Attached is the upcoming winter schedule and today's

The father daughter dance is on Friday, February 28th.
Details in the invitation attached. Cost is $65 Per Couple
(girl scout and dad/uncle/friend) plus $20 for each
additional girl attending (sisters). In addition, each girl
attending is asked to donate one $5-$10 value item to be
used as part of the event's tricky tray. The father
daughter dance theme is "Red Carpet" and there will be a
photo booth, DJ, and a small tricky tray that night. Sounds
like a really fun event!

The father daughter dance is being run by an older troop but
our troop is organizing the tricky tray portion only. We
are asking for all parent's help (not just our troop) to ask
local businesses and friends for donations. Nail salons,
hair salons, restaurants, sports teams, bagel stores, coffee
shops, accessory stores, etc. Most local businesses are
extremely generous with donations to non-profit
organizations. A letter is attached that you can use to ask
a local business for support. They can give you the
donation directly or have it mailed to my house. We will
collect all of the donations (from the troop leaders and the
local businesses) and create the baskets that will be used
during the tricky tray.

So - here are the key dates and what the next steps are:

1. RSVP for Father Daughter dance is February 1st. Money
and $5-10 donation item (from your girl) is due to Lisajoy
by February 1st. You can drop in my mailbox or call me
before you come.

2. Use the attached letter to ask for donations from local
businesses or friends. No donation is too small! We'd like
to ask that each family try to secure two donations from
local businesses or friends. These donations can be dropped
off to Lisajoy any time before February 24th.

3. Once we have all of the donations, we need a handful
volunteers to get together to create and wrap the baskets
for the tricky tray. This will be done the week of February
24th one or two nights after work. If you can volunteer to
help create the baskets, please let me know. I'll have wine

4. We need 3-4 moms to attend the father daughter dance and
run the tricky tray event. This will include setting up the
tables, organizing the baskets, collecting the money, and
picking the winners. If you can volunteer to help the night
of the father daughter dance, please let me know.

Thank you and if you have any questions, please let us know.

Andrea, Dawn, Erica & Lisajoy

Troop Website, Calendar, and Photos:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Scout Night with the Harlem Globetrotters - Saturday, March 8th

Hi everyone. Our troop will be attending Scout Night with
the Harlem Globetrotters on Saturday March 8th. It sounds
like a really fun event! Please see the attached flyer.
You may invite family and friends. My sons and nephew will
be attending, so this is open to anyone! Please collect the
money for your tickets and turn in to me by February 1st.
The sooner I order the tickets the better seats we will
have. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Details attached. Thanks!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Girl Scouts - Cookie booth posters

Thank you Dawn and everyone that volunteered so far with our
cookie sale.

Moms - We will have the "cookie costume" again this year,
but having some hand made decorations really draws people in
to the cookie booths. I would like to ask that each girl
make at least 1 poster to use during our cookie booths in
January and February. I have attached a few poster ideas
for you to this email but any poster would be great.
Include information like price $4 per box and our troop
number 81423. The brighter and more colorful the better!
Encourage your girl to get creative with her poster!

Please have your girl bring her poster any time she
participates in a cookie booth. We cannot wait to see the

Thank you!

From: "Dawn" <>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 5:00 PM
To: "Michelle Arduini" <>;
"Lisajoy Marinello" <>; "Andrea
Wells" <>; "Erica Pontoriero / Stafford"
<>; <>; "Rosalind
Bartholomew" <>; "Marjorie
Brown" <>; <>;
"Lourdes Hernandez" <>; "Jill Mellitto"
<>; "Lisa McDermid"
<>; "Lisa McDermid home"
<>; "Teresa Grasso"
<>; "Elaine and Lamont Poaches"
Subject: Cookies

Hi Everyone,

The cookies are being delivered tomorrow and will be at my
house. The sale does not officially begin until the 16th.

A few of you have already placed pre orders with me and are
cleaning out my supplies. LOL If you have already sent me
an order, I have enough and will contact you when I am ready
and we will work out pickup. The rest are going to have to
wait until the first truck which is Sat, January 18. I will
have to pick up more of at least 4 types of cookies. You
can send me your orders in the meantime, just understand
that I won't be able to get them to you until after
Saturday, the 18th.


Girl Scouts - Updated Roster and New Girls

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to bring everyone up to date on some new
additions to our troop for the 2nd half of the year. We are
welcoming little sisters Christina, Gianna, and Kate to our
troop! That brings our troop to 18 girls ranging in grades
K to 5th grade. I have attached our updated roster and
contact sheet for your reference.

For field trips and events like Sweet and Sassy, nothing
changes. One big, happy, fun troop! For the more rare
office meetings and service project work, Teresa Grasso and
Michelle Arduini have volunteered to help out with the K-2
girls to ensure that our activities are always super fun and
age appropriate. Nothing changes in our troop, but just
another two moms stepping up to lend a hand with the younger
girls. Thank you Teresa and Michelle.

Please help us welcome Christina, Gianna, and Kate at our
Sweet and Sassy event on 1/18.

Thank you and if you have any questions, please let us know.

Andrea, Dawn, Erica & Lisajoy

Troop Website, Calendar, and Photos:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Girl Scouts - Sweet & Sassy Permission Slip

Hi everyone. Please take 2 minutes to complete this online
permission slip for the upcoming Sweet & Sassy workshop. If
you have multiple daughters in the troop, you need to
complete this once for each of them.

Online Permission Slip Link:

Thank you and if you have any questions, please let us know.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Girls Scouts - Upcoming Dates to Know

Hi everyone,

Happy 2014! We wanted to provide an update on some upcoming
dates. I will have hand outs for everyone at Sweet and
Sassy. Please make your calendar for the below in the mean
time. Thanks!

Saturday, Jan 18th
Arrive @ 3:45pm
Pickup time 6:00pm
Sweet and Sassy
3877 Us Highway 9
Old Bridge, NJ
Wear green shirt and uniform
RSVP by Jan 10th to Dawn for this event @

Sweet and Sassy - Snack List
10 juice boxes - Amanda
10 juice boxes - Adelina
10 small waters - Isabelle
Veggies and Dip - Zahira
Fruit Salad - Annaliese
24 Cupcakes - McDermid Family
Large Bag of Pretzels - Devin
Cheese and Crackers - Devin

Sunday, January 26th
3:00 to 5:00pm
Wear green shirt and uniform
** This meeting will be for the 3-5 grade girls to work on
their Service Project and the K-2 girls to work on Girl
Scout basics **

January & February
Exact Dates TBD
Troop Cookie Booths - these are optional but encouraged
Always wear green shirt and uniform for all cookie booths

Friday, February 28th
Save the date for Father / Daughter dance

Thank you and if you have any questions, please let us know.

Andrea, Dawn, Erica & Lisajoy

Troop Website, Calendar, and Photos: