Monday, February 10, 2014

Girl Scouts - Spring Schedule and NYC Trip Information

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your patience as we finished up the Spring
Schedule for Girl Scouts. Please see attached for a
schedule that gets us through the end of June!

Now that our Annual Cookie Sale is wrapping up, it is time
to plan our Spring trip for the girls as a reward for their
hard work! Troop 81423 will be paying the cost for our Girl
Scouts to go see the Blue Man Group in NYC! We are really
excited about this event. As many of you know, we tried to
get in to see Aladdin but it is a brand new show and tickets
were moving faster than we could keep up. So the Blue Man
Group looks like a fantastic option. We think the girls
will really enjoy it! Family, friends & siblings are
welcome to join us for $85 per ticket. A minimum of one
adult per girl is required to attend and purchase a ticket.
For more information about this amazing show, visit

Saturday, May 24th @ 8:00PM
Astor Palace Theater in New York City

Money for Blue Man group tickets can be brought to Erica
Pontoriero at 176 Stafford Road in Colonia. Erica (732)
580-0185 cell/text. Cash or Check made out to Troop 81423.
Order form and full cash payment must be received by March
2nd. We are paying for the Girl Scouts, you are only
responsible for the other adults/siblings/friends in your

Also, the troop's community service event "Dessert with
Divas" will be held on June 8th. The Juniors are doing the
planning and prep to earn their Bronze Award, but all girls
in our are expected to help out and participate in the
event. Each girl will be allowed to invite three special
women in their lives to the event. More details to follow,
but please save the date for Grandma's, Aunts, etc.